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Festival Internacional de Cine de Derechos Humanos

Buenos Aires (Argentina)

The International Film Festival on Human Rights is one of the most important events on human rights cinema, is founding member of the Human Rights Film Network and Red de Cine Social y Derechos Humanos de América Latina y el Caribe, promoting human rights issues in the world through cinema.


Organised by the Instituto Multimedia DerHumALC, is held in Buenos Aires and Santiago del Estero. The festival presents long feature, short and medium length, narrative, documentary films, essay, animation, experimental or videoclip for a variety of non-competitive sections, like Memory, Gender Views, Childhood and Youth, Migrants, Panorama, Environment and Native Cultures, and three competitive sections, International Feature Films, Short and Medium Films Competition, Latin American Documentary Competition.


The information regarding the submission of films can be found here:

The film submission form can be found here:

The International Human Rights Film Festival (FICDH) is celebrating its twentieth edition and the 26 years since the foundation of the DerHumALC Multimedia Institute (Human Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean) - IMD, in person, from June 1 to 7 with more than 50 films from Argentina and around the world.

Under the motto #Trazades (Tracked), this commemorative edition focuses on digital rights, seeking to create awareness around and expanding knowledge of cyber-rights, so closely linked to freedom of expression and privacy, and which recognise the right of individuals to access, use, creation and publication of digital media, and to do so through computers, electronic devices and telecommunications networks necessary.

The aim of this edition is to use film to question the technologies that reinforce power imbalances, and the inequality and abuses that exist within them, in order to promote a conscientious and sustainable use of digital tools. And thus advance towards the socio-environmental justice we long for in a cognizant and determined manner.

The Festival will showcase its selection of films in thirteen sections: Derechos digitales (Digital Rights), [Finca] Ambiente, Infancia y juventud (Childhood and Youth), Memoria (Memory), Migrantes (Migrants), Miradas de género (Gender Perspectives), Panorama, Pueblos originarios (Indigenous Peoples), Foco Democracia en Latinoamérica (Democracy in Latin america Focus), EngageMedia (Asia-Pacific) Window, SIMA Studios (USA) Window and #20FICDH Retrospective. As always, the Escuelas (Schools) section will showcase a selection for youth of 26 films made by highschoolers and curated by the 20th FICDH, whose screening will have a didactic approach. The three competitive sections are: the Official Features competition, the Shorts and Medium-Length competition, and the Latin American Documentaries competition. The winning films are awarded prizes by the European Union in Argentina, SIGNIS, Gorky Films, La Haye Media, Instituto De Enseñanza Superior en Lenguas Vivas "Juan Ramón Fernández," Lumiton museo del cine - usina audiovisual,, Percepciones Audiovisuales, and RAFMA.

For this edition, the screening venues will include:

● Alianza Francesa de Buenos Aires (Av. Córdoba 946, CABA)

● Centro Cultural San Martín (Sarmiento 1551, CABA)

● Cine Gaumont (Av. Rivadavia 1635,CABA)

● Cine York (Juan Bautista Alberdi 895, Vicente López)

● Honorable Cámara de Diputados, Anexo A (Av. Rivadavia 1841, CABA)

The in-person special activities will be held at the Paco Urondo cultural center (25 de Mayo 201,

CABA). Additionally, there will be an online workshop co-organized with ARC and Global Voices

aimed at reflecting about the risks that come with the new technologies and at creating support


The programme and the special activities of the 20th International Human Rights Film Festival

(FICDH) can be found on our socials:

See you from june 1-7 at the #20FICDH!

#Trazades (Tracked)

Festival date:
Submission date: