Festival calendar
The members of the Human Rights Film Network organise many events during the year. Here you can find a list of upcoming events. However, due to the coronacrisis, many festivals are cancelled or postponed. We can therefore not guarantee whether the information below is still correct and up-to-date. We advise you to check out the individual festivals' websites and social media channels to get more up-to-date information. We apologise for the inconvenience.
Movies that Matter Festival
Movies that Matter screens and promotes films that draws our attention to human rights and situations in which these are at stake. The foundation's peak activity is the annual Movies that Matter Festival, taking place in The Hague, International City of Peace and Justice. The Movies that Matter Festival is the Netherlands' main platform for engaged cinema, with over seventy documentaries and feature films of inspired filmmakers being screened every year.
ACT Human Rights Film Festival
The ACT Human Rights Film Festival in Fort Collins, Colorado, showcases the best in human rights cinema from around the world. The festival convenes for one week every April on and off the campus of Colorado State University, uniting diverse audiences while inspiring them to awaken to human rights issues facing people around the world, to connect across the powerful medium of film and dialogue, and to transform their lives and communities. ACT is produced by the Department of Communication Studies housed within the College of Liberal Arts. ACT was founded in 2016.
Festival de Cine y Derechos Humanos Donostia
The Festival of Human Rights Film is an initiative that is part of the San Sebastian, Space for the Culture of Peace project. The aim is to promote greater awareness, as well as encourage debate and provide greater information to citizens about human rights, by promoting, through the cinema and other cultural and artistic expressions, the values of solidarity, respect for life, peace, freedom and social justice, among other things.
Feature Films Official Selection
Docudays UA International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival
Docudays UA is the only international human rights documentary film festival in Ukraine. It is a part of the international Human Rights Film Network. It takes place every year in Kyiv in the last week of March. After the end of the festival, Docudays UA traditionally presents the best films in Ukrainian regions during the Traveling Festival. Screenings and discussions of films with human rights experts last from October until December. Throughout the year, Docudays UA popularizes auteur documentary cinema in film theaters as a part of the DOCU/HIT project.
Festival Internacional de Cine de Derechos Humanos
The International Film Festival on Human Rights is one of the most important events on human rights cinema, is founding member of the Human Rights Film Network and Red de Cine Social y Derechos Humanos de América Latina y el Caribe, promoting human rights issues in the world through cinema.