HRFN Cooperation Grants Awarded

The Human Rights Film Network is pleased to announce that it has provided two Festival Cooperation Grants, to strengthen joint programs of member festivals.One grant will be provided to the project One World Echoes at this human world 2013. One World Echoes is an international tour celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Czech-based One World International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival. The international human rights film festival this human world, which will take place in Vienna in December of this year, will screen some of the same films, like Black Out, Amazing Azerbaijan! and Merfolk. With the grant from the HRFN Cooperation Fund, this human world will be able to invite Eva Weber, director of the film Black Out, to attend the screenings and discussions in Vienna.The other EUR 500,- grant has been awarded to enable a cooperative project between the Argentinean Festival Internacional de Cine de Derechos Humanos and the human rights film festival The Seventh Eye is Yours festival in Bolivia. Amongst other things, this Latin American cooperation involves the composition of 10 human rights films that made a real difference in Latin America in the last 10 years. The films will be screened during the 10th edition of the The Seventh Eye is Yours festival in Sucre, Bolivia, in July/August 2014. The grant enables a representative of the Buenos Aires festival to attend the festival in Sucre.Cooperation among network members has always been significant. In 2012 the HRFN Cooperation Fund was launched to promote even stronger collaboration and sharing of experiences. Through these grants, the HRFN officially endorses and financially supports these cooperative programs. Last year one of the grants went to a shared project between the Papua New Guinea Human Rights Film Festival and the Australia Human Rights Arts and Films Festival, while the other grant was awarded to the Naples Human Rights Film Festival in order to strengthen its cooperation with the Festival Internacional de Cine de Derechos Humanos in Buenos Aires.